On Line LNG Reduction Stations Pipelines & Valves Functional, Tightness Testing
By L-plan Legaline »Gas test« Mobile Unit
L-plan like Inspection Body
Legaline “GAS TEST” System is used for Inspection / Testing the whole Gas Line in LPG stations, including all valves (regulating valves, safety check and safety valves…) and pressure gauges.
During operation Testing Phase description
- Pressure gauge Inspection / Calibration (on DKD standards) – Legaline
- Tightness Inspection / Test of all pipe connections, flanges, welded joints… by visual Inspection method with leak detection liquid
- Tightness Inspection / Test of stop valves, safety valve and pressure gauge stop valves by visual Inspection method, with leak detection liquid, film Inspection method
- Mounting of LEGALINE testing system
Short shut down Testing Phase description
- Functional (operating) test, closing point, tightening test of safety check valve
- Functional (operating) test, operating pressure, tightness test of regulating valve
- Functional test, opening and closing pressure point, blow down and tightness test of safety valve
- Tightness test of electromagnetic valves
- Tightness test of stop valves on pipeline
- Tightness test of pipeline
Advantages of the Legaline “Gas Test” Equipment and Method:
Short shut down time, Small losses of gas, On Site Reports printing, Data base, Analyses Trend function, High Accuracy…