On Field Calibration / Inspection of Pressure Gauges, Sensors
By L-plan Legaline Manotest device

How the Legaline Manotest System operate?
The system enables to Calibrate Bourdon tube pressure gauges, analog and digital pressure sensors. Legaline Manotest System can be easily expanded to other types of measurement equipments like Temperature probes, PT sensors…
Software is divided into three modules, each specified according to appropriate standard requests.
As Reference are used a high accurate, temperature compensated digital pressure sensors.
Automatic calculated measurement uncertainty mainly depends on choosing appropriate Reference.
Calibration range
Calibration range depends on accuracy of Reference. The accuracy of used digital pressure sensors start at 0.05% FS.
Pressure range is not limited by the software or by the Legaline system. According on Customer demand, we choose appropriate pressure generator.
Inspection / Calibration Report
Calibration / Inspection Reports are designed in accordance with requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025 / 17020, EN ISO 1070 and OIML R23. Other standards can be easily implemented on requests.
The report contains relevant general and technical data, results and graph of pressure values, obtained during the calibration procedure, respectively the diagram of errors, so the re-calibration can be easier.
By the Legaline Manotest System the measurement uncertainty caused by human factor is reduced to minimum as same as the automatisation of calibration sequences.
Whole system is built according to:
- EURMAET/cg-17/v.01, julij 2007
- EA-10/17 EA guidelines on the calibration of electromechanical manometers, July 2002
- DKD-R 6-1, Calibration of Pressure Gauges, 01/2003.
- ISO/IEC 17025:2005-General requirements for the competence of testing and Calibration laboratories
- Pressure gauges – Part 1: Bourdon tube pressure gauges – Dimensions, metrology, requirements and Testing
- Pressure gauges – Part 3: Diaphragm and capsule pressure gauges – Dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing
- OIML R 23, Edition 1975, Tyre pressure gauges for motor vehicles
Calibration method by Legaline Manotest device and the L-plan as Conformity Assessment – Inspection Body is approved by:
- Bureau Veritas
- Slovenian Acreditation institute (based on ILAC MRA– International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation)
- Slovenian Metrology Institute