Safety Relief valves test bench overviewed in Wafa Desert Plant Libya…
In the largest Libyan pumping station of natural gas and oil wells Wafa Desert Plant we overviewed the state of the valve test bench. The test device has been in storage for several years. It was necessary to inspect & Installed the valve test unit and carry out the training.
We also performed an inventory of all the pressure measurers (gauges, load cells…) for performing calibration.
We agreed that when re-visiting we will also qualify their employees for the inspection of quality processing of the sealing surfaces of valves.
We agreed also to perform the on-site, on-line safety relief valves testing presentation with Legatest device, developed and manufactured in L-PLAN.
Learn more about L-plan Legaline capture and data processing …
Božo Legat, 15.06.2015