New Users of our Developed Testing / Inspection Devices
L-plan again recorded growth in sales of innovation devices for inspection, testing, calibration, measurement.
The second Legatest device for testing safety valves during operation was purchased from the company Valveserv, Austria as well as company Beyer & Beyer, Germany. Company EFCO India received the fourth Legatest device. Among customers from EU companies were SWB and L -plan Technologies, both from Germany. We also delivered Legatest device to Thailand – Master Pac , Tunisia – IMC Metroligie and Libya – INTECH .
“Legaline Valve test” devices are regularly delivered to stabile test units manufacturer Unigrind Germany. Final customers were: SIA Rosta and intra Tool from Russia, company’s Termodinamic Romania and COREMA Italy.
STS Gas Croatia used a Legaline mobile unit to test the safety valves and calibration of pressure gauges .
Complete range of Legaline Mobile Series Devices were delivered to the INTECH Company from Libya, namely: Legaline Valve test Unit (Safety and Industrial Valves Functional and Pressure Strength Test / Inspection), Legaline Manotest Set (pressure gauges and sensors calibration / Inspection), Legaline Pressure Strength Tests / Inspection System and Legaline Bubble Valve Leak Test Unit.
For Company UKRSPECTRANSGAZ from Ukraine we successfully developed Legaline customized device, which can be used for automated testing of safety valves, which are mounted on the train wagon tanks of natural gas.
More about L-plan products, data acquisition system Legaline…
Bozo Legat, 2014