Why on-line (on-site, in-situ, during operation…) safety relief valves testing?
Safety valves are installed on process pressure equipment to release excess pressure due to faulty process operations, external fires and other hazards.
When all other safety and control devices collapse, the safety valve is last to release excess pressure and protect the scope of pressure equipment from explosion. So, safety valve serves to protect life and property.
Failure of pressure safety valves to function properly could result in the serious damage of vessels, exchangers, boilers, or other equipment. It is essential to maintain pressure safety valves and relief valves in good condition.
Periodic testing is one of the most important elements to ensure that the safety valves will provide this important protection.
On-line (on-site, in-situ, under operation pressure safety valves (safety relief valves…) is performed in real process pressure equipment operating conditions which are safety valves exposed:
- Process system temperature
- Accumulation and flow capacity
- Compliance of the back pressure
- And other process pressure equipment performance influences.
Therefore, the results of this method can be more accurate than the classical methods of testing the safety valves. A prerequisite is of course appropriate device and method that takes into account all the effects on the accuracy and credibility of the results in an unfavorable, industrial environment.
Method and device Legatest fulfills these conditions and it is at this moment on the world top position.
Why then on-line pressure safety valves testing?
Less shut downs – less production loss!
No system discharges – no fuel costs!
That so, improves the environmental conditions!
No raising the system pressure:
- No fuel consumption!
- No increasing the production noise level.
- Expand plant lifetime – No material / joints stress damages! Damage like valve seat erosion or deposits in boiler tubes is considerably reduced.
No dismantling the safety valves from the system – We save time and money:
- Welded S. valves – the cost for cutting and subsequent welding and weld inspections are avoided.
- Maintenance of valves on hardly accessible and distant locations becomes easier.
- New seals are not required!
Testing / Inspection is possible at any time under any conditions, winter or summer.
Safety valves can be tested / inspected while the plant is operating (HOT TEST) or while it is shut down (COLD TEST).
Possibility of determination of valve condition before plant shut down.
Some standard valve indication also could be examined:
- Effect of the nozzle and guide ring.
- Spring and internal parts condition.
- Increasing of leakage after valve activation
By using the best testing equipment, the safety r. valves functions can be monitored and tested with greater accuracy, than conventional PSV testing on the test bench!
More about On-Line (On-Site, In-Situ, Under operation) safety valves testing…
Božo Legat